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Results for 'Obesity Hot Flashes Gabapentin Weight'

Can gabapentin cause you to jerk? I have been on it for a few years and this just started. Take?

... 800mg. 2x a day. I also take oxycodone 30mg. 3x a day, cymbalta 60mg., I have a plate in my neck on 4&5, dupreygens, ledderhosen, sjodgrens,... read more

I was prescribed Gabapentin after an awful outbreak of shingles last June?

My PCM ordered 300mg to be taken 3x a day. I haven't felt any significant relief from this, so I looked it up on this website. I found that I... read more

Is anyone having weird side effects from gabapentin? Will this go away?

I'm whipped into a frenzy and feel as if I may spin off into orbit at any moment. I also am experiencing cognitive problems, my memory is so bad... read more

Hot Flashes - Has anyone else tried Zyrtec or Claritin to decrease their number of flashes?

Mine have decreased from 7-12 episodes in 24 hrs to 1-3 in 24 hrs. PLUS the ones I have are of shorter duration & less intense. I've been... read more

Why has my surgeon told me to stop taking gabapentin prior to my back surgery?

I've been told to stop taking my 600mg gabapentin 3 days prior to my back surgery. Plus stop taking my .5mg xanex and 15mg mirtazapine 2... read more

Does seroquel cause hot flashes?

I'm taking 400 mg of seroquel 300mg of lithium 20 mg of lexapro plus Xanax and thyroid meds. I've been getting really bad hot... read more

Implanon - Does anyone experience severe night sweats of hot flashes?

Hi, I'm a 26yo who just went on the implanon due to the fact that I can't be on the pill anymore. I've had it for 2 months now and... read more

Lisinopril - has anyone experienced hot flashes from this medicine?

I am 55 and stoped hot flashes a few years ago. This is crazy, for the ladies out there has this happened to you. I am on Lisinopril... read more

I am starting gabapentin tonight, how serious is the weight gain and "word finding" issues?

Can anyone tell me how serious the "weight gain" problem is with this medications and the "word finding" issues?

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